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House of Quirk
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Hey Quirk Stalkers!

Well, back by you're request (we have no idea why!) we are going to host yet another virtual coffee morning! Wahoo!

....We can only apologise to those of you who did definitely not request this!)

As you guys have obviously been missing 'House Life', to get us all our fix, we thought would host yet another coffee morning, just like in lockdown 1.0, to say hello and to check in on you all!

As House life is currently in hibernation we thought we should deliver you the gift of seeing our wonderful faces to get you though this odd little interlude once more.

We know you guys aren't busy, you can gather those autumnal leaves another time! Working?... Ever heard of a loo break?? 😉

So make yourself a hot beverage of your choice (..or a cold one, we ain't judging!), tune in, come say hi and let us know what you have been up to.

Feel free to ask us any hair related questions, or use this an an opportunity to fess up to any hair disaster's that you may already be guilty of committing!

See you at 10am!

Rae & Tom

To tune in to our virtual coffee morning, all you have to do is:

1) Pop over to our Facebook page at 10am on Friday 20th Nov.

2) Click on our live video when you see our faces pop up in a box on your screen! This will allow you to type and interact with us.

3) Say hello and show us your snazzy mug with a smiley picture!

See you there 👏


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